Friday, October 20, 2006


So, I've been thinking that I'm awfully lucky not to have gotten any injuries along my training--no shin splints, stress fractures, or muscle pulls. Just stiff old knees that will surely improve soon, and a few blisters. Maybe it means I'm not working hard enough, considering that I hardly stretch enough, but I'll just take it as a good sign.
My last two runs, 5 miles yesterday and 4 today, went not as well as Wednesday's run, but they sufficed. I tend to lag as the week goes on...on Friday nights I just want nothing more than to be the world's greatest couch potato.
By the way, thanks, Megan, for all of your comments to the blog. You're the sweetest :)


Blogger billklee said...

You are lucky. I have been dealing with lingering pain in my hip. I haven't run in a while because people tell me I should go easy on it. Not coincidentally, I have gained five pounds this month.

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're very welcome ;) I love getting such nice shoutouts! so, yay for being young, and being able to recoup your good health after the marathon! along those lines, two things we're going to do after you're done with the marathon, and I'm done with thesis: go out to the bars and get sloppy drunk, and have another ice-cream-for-dinner-sit-in-front-of-the-tv night.
oh, ps--hope the new shoes have stopped giving you blisters.

7:32 PM  

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